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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Preparing For The Jump

If there's a way to jump safely off a cliff, I haven't found it. That course of action invariably includes closing my eyes and stepping into nothingness. Done it a few times. It's always turned out okay or better. Now, I'm jumping from the nice secure world of lawyer-dom into the no-net writing arena. Or Big Top, that might be a better description because sometimes it feels like I'm spinning around in a three-ring circus.

I've written two novels. One eighteen years ago. One last year. I currently have three other novels in some stage of completion, although two are pretty stagnant. The third, a sequel to the one I wrote last year, is moving along through about page 45 now. No bites on its predecessor yet and I have sent that one out to two other people for critiques.

My law practice is winding down, seemingly on its own. I wrapped up another case today, which leaves about 30 open cases. Of course, I have three trials scheduled for February, 2011, so that seems to be the total shutdown date. Between now and then, I'll wrap up what I have and, cross your fingers, finish a short novel that's floating around my head at the moment. All while continuing the adventures of the group in the sequel.

Scoreboard to date: Agents queried: 17. Agents requesting additional pages: 1. Rejections: 17.

Look at the bright side -- 16 out of 17 agents have no taste. The 17th is just weird. Remember, some (many) poor agent(s) rejected Harry Potter and Twilight.

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