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Friday, September 24, 2010

Spiders are here

While Halloween isn't quite here yet, I think my office is decked out in the ghoulish spirit of things already. After sitting here typing away for awhile the other day, I looked up and noticed that the ceiling had several (hundred) spiderwebs in the corners. And all along the wall. And in the window sill. These are not cobwebs.

And they are spreading.

If you've seen The Lord of The Rings, you know what spins webs of this size. The ones that stretch from wall to wall and ensnare everything around. There's fly carnage going on here. A mosquito massacre. The dry husks of her victims swing in the gentle air currents here in the basement.

I'm afraid to start cleaning them down. I don't want to end up as lunch. There's even a web strand running from the ceiling to the internet cable on this computer. I feel so connected.

Anyway, life's moving on in the books. Started Clean Sweep today. Continued New World and am waiting on several critiques for Martian Angels. One of these days, I'll be a real writer! (cross your fingers).

No change on the scorecard today.


  1. You ARE a real writer and don't you forget it! I don't bother the spiders, I just name them. Charlotte was a black widow as big as a quarter who used to come out from under the heater in the bathroom to say hello. She freaked the boys out, so I moved her out to the woodpile.

  2. Better the spiders than the flies! Now that the basement is getting close to being inhabitable maybe they'll have a poker party or play with the fooseball table!
